Tuesday, May 29, 2012

We've all been there.

I consider myself to be a good person.  A caring friend, a doting mother.  And of course, I try to instill my children with fine, upstanding morals.  I'm constantly reminding my 3-year-old to use kind words and actions.  And of course, I want my kids to be honest and truthful, so I try to lead by example.  But sometimes - maybe when the "why?" questions are just too much, or I haven't had my morning coffee - the unthinkable happens in Mommyland and a teensy lie slips out.

You know the kind I'm talking about.

Maybe you've seen one too many episodes of Yo Gabba Gabba and so you tell your kid that Yo Gabba Gabba isn't on today, even though you have it available on Netflix instant streaming.

Or maybe there's a toy that might be ridiculously obnoxious - sorry, buddy, that toy is broken.

We've all said them, though it might be taboo to admit it.  Because who wants to admit they're lying to their kids?

Apparently, this girl will admit it and wear it as a badge of honor. :)